Thursday, August 6, 2020

Watercare Recount


“Yay” I was so excited that Sarah, a member from Watercare, was coming to us and show our class how to save water, look after the drains, and explore toilet systems used in the olden days. 



Miss Paton told us to sit on the mat and wait for Sarah to come. We were waiting for Sarah. Miss Paton told us to get with a partner and share ways how you can save water. When we were in the middle of talking Sarah came and connected her thing to Miss Paton’s laptop. 

Finally Sarrah was ready. She showed us photos of what people used as a toilet in the olden days  Some people used chamber pots when they went to hotels. The chamber pots go under their bed and they pull it out to go to the toilet in the hotel. Then when they are done the chambermaids take their waste and chuck it in the river. I would hate that to happen to me now that I am in the present and we use real toilets.

 Next thing  in the olden days Sarrah told us that they also used buckets to go to the toilet. At night when there were men taking the buckets  they were supposed to take the bucket somewhere else but they were too lazy so they chucked it a field next to homes.  

After this Sarah told us how they treat the water for us to drink. First the waste water goes inside this big circle thing. There are little bugs that go in the water and eat all the germs inside the water. The little bugs think it is yummy for them. The little bug doesn’t eat all of the germs so it goes in this dark room with a lot of lights. The lights heat up all the germs and burns the germs.  Sarah also said they don’t put any chemicals in the water.

Then Sarah told us how they treat the 1’s and 2’s water. It is not that much but I will tell you.  First they go in this spinning thing and it spins it into little rocks they use the little rocks to now build something. I am not really sure what it is called.

Next Sarah said to get in groups of eight so we lined up outside in our group. Sarh gave us a black board, white rocks, a see through plastic sheet and a watering can. She said to make mountains out of them. My group made four. We had to pour the water in the middle of the mountains and see how many rivers it makes. My group made four rivers and then we had to do it with the rest of the other groups. Some groups made three, five and I think even six rivers.



When we were done, we had to go back inside and Sarah was going to tell us what not to put down the drain. Sarah had five cups of water so she could put the things in the cups that you can’t put down the drain. She first told us not to put engine oil inside the drain because it has chemicals and you don’t want the chemicals to go down the drain. Next Sarah mixed dish washing liquid with the water inside one of the six bottles. Then she shook it, it was all bubbly.  The third thing she showed us was oil mixed with water and then she shook it. It turned light yellow and then it got blurry. Then she moved onto the fourth bottle with the water in it. She put red paint in it and then shook it. The water with the red paint got all red when she shook it. The last and final thing she did was put all her food scraps inside the water. She shook them and it was all gross. I didn't even want to look at it. The bread turned  soggy. 

When Sarah was done, she had to go back home because it was the end of the day. We also asked some questions at the end. I enjoyed the lesson. It was fun learning about the treatment of water and how to save it.